View Full Version : FTP server?

01-02-2006, 01:09 PM
Where is the FTP to upload some things?

01-03-2006, 04:56 PM
how would a ftp server be usefull to you?
I think you need to share files in a one to one basis right? well on the next days this option will be available on the forum with the attach mod, so you can share files easily.

there is another think i'm planning that is an orginal files database. This database is expected to be huge, with thousands of files. I'm still looking for the best script to implement this feature. This feature will force the site/forum to move to another hosting service with more space alocated to host those files. The files will not be public and peopel will have to pay to download some files. I'm also trying that an exchange mechanism permit people to upload files and change them for credits to download other files. This will be very usefull to you, but will need much administration and resources to host this...

I can create an ftp server but all users will have access to it, and see the same files. Is this really wanted?

01-03-2006, 07:43 PM
I think there would be no problem to find an FTP server where everyone could up- and download his ORG files.
The only problem i could locate would be to guarantee that the uploaded files are really org's and OK!!! :shock:

If you would take an P2P version of FTP server,
i think some people would take any bullduckduckduckduck files from an ebay-CD for upload,
only to get some credits. :x :evil: :x

It's really not easy to guarantee, that the files are OK,
but i think there would be smaller problems if everyone can download how much he want.

No one could really proof that all files would be ok. :? :oops:

Would be tooooooo much work to check...... :shock: :x :x :shock:

Best regards,

01-04-2006, 12:57 AM
Personally I think the system will be abused if credits are using even though it is very convenient for us to upload and download original.


02-19-2006, 08:16 PM
the problem from give upload possibility's to anyone is if somebody upload a corrupted file that crash an ecu or that remove the obd acces to the car etc etc then people using that file have problems

the files need at least to been checked (xsum)

i can have all files of dreams because i know where to ask and it cost me money but no problem ...
i also have a file server running with 10 years of tuning orgs ;) and map packs that contain info that spare lot of time

the only files i look after and that i can't find is a file that is used in brazil on twingo engine
that run alcool ethanol in stead of gazoline

02-19-2006, 11:28 PM
An idea:

You could make a database where every file which has been uploaded is connected to the man which upoaded the file.

and make comments for every file GOOD / BAD files.

02-19-2006, 11:33 PM
An idea:

You could make a database where every file which has been uploaded is connected to the man which upoaded the file.

and make comments for every file GOOD / BAD files.

there must been simply No BAD files !!!

02-19-2006, 11:36 PM
that is already set like you suggest, please go to oridb.checksumm.com and try to see that here


there is a comment, the name of the user who upload it (admin) and an average rating of 8 with 3 votes. There is also the number of views and donwloads of the file.